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Pro-Cal Lighting

Pro-Cal Lighting

A NECA member since 2015. We offer detailed, convenient and personalized design aimed at conserving energy and reducing operational costs. Years of experience with LED lighting, occupancy sensors and lighting control installations throughout the country have enabled Pro-Cal Lighting to provide a level of expertise in design and installation with the full confidence of Title 24 compliance. SBA Certified 8(a) business, California Unified Certification Program (CUCP) DBE/MBE for U.S. Department of Transportation's (USDOT) and Caltrans, Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE). Certified Advanced Lighting Contractor (CALCTP) and Acceptance Test Contractor (CALCTP-AT).(1029314) Office: 760-845-8778

Fax: 760-560-1676

Address: 1155 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA 92083

(760) 845-8778

Pro-Cal Lighting

9350 Waxie Way, Suite #540

San Diego, CA 92123

Office: (858) 571-6322

    Fax: (858) 571-6323

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